Happy New Year! I am so excited for what 2019 will bring!
This year I took a step back, and decided to do my monthly calendar freebies a little different going forward in 2019. While I kept the printable calendar version, I decided to forgo the backgrounds with the calendar on top. It was hard to make the calendar portion clear and visible on top of my artwork.
I would love to hear from you all & see what you think of this change. But the plan is that from here on out, the first day of freebies each month will include the printable calendar, and the plain artwork backgrounds (with no calendar overlay) for iPhone, mobile, iPad, and iMac/desktop backgrounds.
All Printables are exclusive to my Newsletter Subscribers, and have a password protected link. Follow the steps below to access password for free downloads.
GET ALL THE FREEBIES IN THIS SERIES: (All these posts will be published within the FIRST WEEK OF THIS MONTH– so don’t freak out if you click one and it isn’t live yet)
Calendar & Watercolor Backgrounds | Art Print | Art Greeting Card | Watercolor Coloring Sheet
The artwork is beautiful! But, I DO miss the calendar overlay…
Happy 2019 and thank you for generously sharing your art with us!
Oh, no… :,(
But I loved the calendar backgrounds!
My coworkers asked me every month when I’m going to change my background…
I see that you changed all the old ones to.
I was thinking maybe I can use the old ones, if you don’t do calendar ones anymore…
Well, anyway, I love what you do and your paintings, so thank you for your effort making them. 🙂
I appreciate everything that you do! You are so talented. Thank you for sharing your work each month!