Hello September! You are my favorite month. Not just because you are my birthday month… you are my favorite because I can finally go nuts on everything fall and pumpkins!
I thought it would be fun to kick off the start of this month by sharing my porch from last year.
We had soooooo many beautiful pumpkins last year.
I hope we can come close to this many home grown pumpkins this year… but who knows.
My favorites were the pink porcelain dolls.
It was so fun to harvest all these pumpkins with the kids last year. I mean, does it get any better than having a private pumpkin patch in your own backyard?
That’s about it.
If you want to know more about how to grow your own pumpkin patch full of fairytale worth pumpkins, go visit my post HERE.
I herby dub myself the pumpkin lady.
See “How To Paint Plastic Pumpkins To Look Like The Real Deal”
Also See: “How To Care For Heirloom Pumpkins: When They Are Ripe To Pick And How To Keep Them From Rotting”
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