Walk In Farmhouse Butler’s Pantry Tour – With All Sources Linked

Our Pantry is probably my favorite thing that we added to the house when we renovated it top to bottom.

Walk In Farmhouse Butler's Pantry Tour - With All Sources Linked

Disclaimer: There are also affiliate links in this post. But I only share things I love, and think you will too. 

This space used to be a little bump out computer area, but we enclosed it so that we could have the laundry room on one side, and a walk in pantry on the other.

Walk In Farmhouse Butler's Pantry Tour - With All Sources Linked

Having ample storage for our food was important when we decided to remove all our upper kitchen cabinents.

Walk In Farmhouse Butler's Pantry Tour - With All Sources Linked

I like to call it a butler’s pantry, becuase we can fit all our extra dishes AND our canned food + dry ingredients.

Walk In Farmhouse Butler's Pantry Tour - With All Sources Linked

We bake and cook primarily from scratch, so most of this space is packed with raw ingrediants.

Walk In Farmhouse Butler's Pantry Tour - With All Sources Linked

People thought I was crazy when I decided not to put a door in front of this space. But I had a vision for how it would look. I’m so glad I didn’t cave into the pressure to do the “normal” thing.

Walk In Farmhouse Butler's Pantry Tour - With All Sources Linked

Just because it’s food, doesn’t mean it should be hidden away. It is both practical and pretty.

Walk In Farmhouse Butler's Pantry Tour - With All Sources Linked

To save space, I invested in a lot of jars. You can fit SO many bags and boxes of one item into one jar.

Walk In Farmhouse Butler's Pantry Tour - With All Sources Linked

Here’s a rare view of the opposite side of the pantry. We have an emergency stash of water bottles (never know when a hurricane will hit NC!) and most of our canned food is on the top shelf.

Walk In Farmhouse Butler's Pantry Tour - With All Sources Linked

Some must have food items in our pantry are:


-Yeast + Flour (All Purpose & Unbleached for sourdough bread)

-Oil (Olive Oil and Corn Oil)

-Sugar (Brown and White)

-Wheat Berries (for grinding your own wheat flour)

-Dried Beans + Peas

-Spices + Salt

-Maltlo Meal & Oatmeal

Walk In Farmhouse Butler's Pantry Tour - With All Sources Linked

One other thing I love about having it out in the open: it’s super easy to tell when you are out, or running low on something. Which makes grocery trips easier.

Walk In Farmhouse Butler's Pantry Tour - With All Sources Linked

I hope you like this view of our pantry. It’s seriously such a fun space.

Walk In Farmhouse Butler's Pantry Tour - With All Sources Linked

Below are all the sources from this space.

Act Justly, Lover Mercy, Walk Humbly Canvases.









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