11 Hand Drawn Circle Digital Graphics

I’m totally in love with transferring my sketches into digital graphics (See how to HERE!) I’ve always loved drawing- it’s one of my biggest passions. The great thing about these graphics is that you can use them for anything. Website graphics, digital scrap-booking, chalkboard graphics, printables; the possibilities are endless!

They are Free for Personal Use, as always! If you are planning on using them commercially, or for branding, please purchase my commercial licence HERE. Also, please read my terms of use in the download folder, and follow the directions there if you have any questions.

If you are making something to distribute freely (for example, a printable on your blog) make sure to read my terms of use included in the folder.

This Download is totally free to all email newsletter subscribers of We Lived Happily Ever After. Not a member yet? See my steps below to join.


All Printables are exclusive to my Newsletter Subscribers, and have a password protected link. Follow the steps below to access password for free downloads.

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  1. Subscribe to Email List.
  2. Check your email to Confirm Subscription.
  3. Press “Confirm Subscription” & you will receive my Welcome Email with the Master Password.
  4. Copy the Master Password.
  5. Press the “Download Here” button on each post you want to access the goodies.
  6. You will be directed to Drop Box. Enter the Master Password & start downloading.

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  1. missmacymay says:

    Hannah, these are incredible. Thank you so much for putting them all together for us to use. Wreaths are such a great designing tool. I love your creativity and your instructions. You are a gem for crafters looking for inspiration.

  2. Thank you very much for sharing such lovely digi stamps with us. Very generous of you Hannah.

  3. Thank you so much for these! I might use them on my wedding invitations!

  4. Lix Hewett says:

    Thank you so much for sharing these! And the tutorials, too – I'm off to check them out. I'm sure they'll be super helpful. 😀

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for the adorable graphics! Are they ok to use for small commercial use?

    • Hannah says:

      I'm totally ok with people using them for stuff like blog graphics. However, to use them for a anything selling related I would want you to purchase a small commercial license which would be dependent on the product and how big the production is. I'm working on putting a page together for that, but in the meanwhile, you can email me at welivedhappilyeveraftertheblog@gmail.com for more info. <3

  6. Belén says:

    Thank U so much!

  7. Mariah says:

    These are awesome, thank you so much for sharing!

  8. cheryl says:

    thank you! These are fantastic. Excited I found your blog.

  9. Actually perfect doll! Who doesn't love some freebies as great as these


  10. how to change colors like you did in the pic??

    • Hannah says:

      You can change the colors by opening them up in Picmonkey or Photoshop. In Picmonkey, there is a little box that pops up when you open it as an overlay and you can change the color there, and in Photoshop, you can either invert the graphic or go edit>adjust>brightness & contrast and play around with it until it. Or you can go to edit>adjust>color balance. Hope that helps!

      If you need more help, send me an email at welivedhappilyeveraftertheblog@gmail.com

      <3 Hannah

  11. These are beautiful, thank you so much for sharing!

  12. The link doesn't seem to be working to download!

    • Hannah says:

      Did you click on did you click on the box that says "click here to download these graphics? You may not have clicked the right link because I tried it and it is working. Hope that helps! 🙂

  13. Linda says:

    Thanks so much for these frames. I love scrap booking and these will fit well to make cute photos of my daughter.

  14. CloudyChais says:

    These are so fun! Thanks so much for sharing your talent!

  15. Hannah says:

    No problem! So glad you like them! 🙂

  16. kendell says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this tutorial, it is really appreciated

  17. hannah, SOOO cute! loved finding your blog and your artwork is adorable. thanks for sharing!

  18. Tricia says:

    Hi! I love your art work. I wanted to see if I could get permission to use your graphics on a Christmas card that I am designing for a client. I am making them for their photo shoot, but all of the profits are going to my church to pay for my son's mission trip next summer. I am only taking donations and using towards their fees. Please let me know if there is a better method to ask on this. Thank you!

  19. Debbie says:

    Thanks for sharing! How did you place photo inside the graphic neatly? When I do it, I see the rectangle picture and the graphic on top. Help, I'm a rookie to Photoshop. 🙂

  20. Дарья says:

    Thank you so much for this beautiful shapes!!!

  21. Jamie says:

    Hi there. I just downloaded these and when I go to put them in Picmonkey they aren't showing up and if they DO show up they won't change color. I compressed one of them and then unzipped them and it worked and then I tried doing it with the rest and they wouldn't work. I have no idea what the issue is? I'm pretty well versed with Picmonkey so I don't think it's a matter of me doing something wrong in there because I seriously use it every day and know all the ins and outs of it. Any ideas?

    • Hannah says:

      Okay, I think the reason picmonkey wasn't showing them was because some of the shapes were such huge files- I reduced them to be below 30", so they should load now. I also changed them to black in th download folder, which will enable them to be able to change color. Hope that helps! Have fun! 🙂

      Sorry that it wasn't working! <3

  22. Jamie says:

    No problem! Thank you SO much for these (seriously so generous of you) and the lighting fast reply! Glad to have stumbled on your blog by the powers of Pinterest 🙂 I've found so many great blogs to follow bc of that site!

  23. Andaira says:

    Muchísimas gracias por compartir
    Thank you for sharing

  24. Great work attitude! Thank you very much .

  25. These are so awesome! I love your blog, Hannah. Thanks so much for sharing!

  26. Anonymous says:

    You're very kind to freely share these with the internet! Thank you so much! 🙂

  27. Anonymous says:

    Your generosity in sharing these with us just takes my breath away. Thank you so much. From the bottom of my heart and from the bottom of the world in little old NZ – You are AWESOME!

  28. Me encantan tus diseños son preciosos , gracias por compartir!!
    Feliz Domingo!!!
    Tienda de repostería creativa Dulcerio del Bueno
    Recetas Dulcerio

  29. doodle says:

    Awesome! Thank you very much!

  30. aniq aziza says:

    you're the best! thank you

  31. Mad OwO says:

    This is so amazing and beautiful THANK YOU!!!

  32. kendell says:

    Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful files, they are really appreciated

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