Magic Bleach Trick – Keep Those Fall & Halloween Pumpkins From Rotting – These Ones Lasted 8 Months!

Magic Bleach Trick - Keep Those Fall & Halloween Pumpkins From Rotting - These Ones Lasted 8 Months!

I’ve shared this tip before, but here is the BEST way you can prolong your pumpkin’s shelf life. I don’t care if you grew them yourself, or if you bought them from the store.

This, ladies and gentleman, is the magic bleach trick.

With this method I have had SEVERAL pumpkins last (indoors) for 8 months. That’s like August-March. I am not kidding.

Magic Bleach Trick - Keep Those Fall & Halloween Pumpkins From Rotting - These Ones Lasted 8 Months!


Step 1. DO NOT pull, tug, or pick up your pumpkins by their stems. An intact stem means a longer living pumpkin.

Magic Bleach Trick - Keep Those Fall & Halloween Pumpkins From Rotting - These Ones Lasted 8 Months!

Step 2. Fill your sink or bathtub with your pumpkins and COLD water.

Magic Bleach Trick - Keep Those Fall & Halloween Pumpkins From Rotting - These Ones Lasted 8 Months!

Step 3. SCRUB off all the dirt with a soapy sponge.

Step 4. Spray some bleach into the water. I like to add enough so that I can smell it. That way I know it will be working hard to kill any rot and bacteria hiding on my pumpkins.

Step 5. Let soak for 30 Minutes- 1 Hour.

Some people have asked if you can eat them after this bleach bath… I assume the skin keeps the bleach out of the inside of the pumpkin, but I don’t know for sure. To be safe, I would only use soap and water if you are planning on eating yours. This method is for decor and front porches.

Magic Bleach Trick - Keep Those Fall & Halloween Pumpkins From Rotting - These Ones Lasted 8 Months!

Lastly, dry those pumpkins off. Any bleach still left will dry and crystalize, turning into a powdery salt looking substance. that’s fine to leave on your pumpkins. I will say that I found the warty pumpkin variety to rot SO much faster than the others. That said, we are on month three of me having pumpkins inside. I’m waiting a little longer until they are outside full time, because we live in the hot and humid south, and that alone will rot your pumpkins in no time.

Here’s a visual of me doing it on instagram stories. It’s a little choppy, but I bring you thought the step by step. It also has a tip for pumpkins that have started to show rot spots.

Magic Bleach Trick - Keep Those Fall & Halloween Pumpkins From Rotting - These Ones Lasted 8 Months!

I hope these tips help you keep your pumpkins in tip top shape for fall!

If you want to grow your own pumpkins, here are my TIPS and TRICKS on a DIY Pumpkin Patch:

How To Grow Your Own Pumpkins From Seed  |  Saving Heirloom Pumpkin Seeds  |  Pumpkin Patch FAQ’s

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