Hey guys! Today I have a brand new freebie Mobile & Desktop Device Watercolor Wallpaper for you all! Today’s theme is a moody night nature watercolor inspired by night photography. If you want the calendar version ones with April on them, go HERE.
This particular art piece tugs at my heart strings. It pulls & draws you in as if it wants to tell you a story. I think I am going to have this one on my computer for a while. I LOVE it! While the calendar version is super fun, I also love artwork that doesn’t get outdated and that’s why I wanted to share these blank versions. That way you can leave your favorite art pieces up longer.
All Printables are exclusive to my Newsletter Subscribers, and have a password protected link. Follow the steps below to access password for free downloads.
GET ALL THE FREEBIES IN THIS SERIES: (All these posts will be published within the first week of April- so don’t freak out if you click one and it isn’t live yet)
Calendar | Art Print | Mobile & Desktop Device Backgrounds  | Art Greeting Card | Watercolor Coloring Sheet
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