Hello Friends! I have the prettiest watercolor calendar screensaver & printable for you today.
Today’s download includes this painting in the form of a printable calendar, desktop, phone and iPad backgrounds.
This Download is totally free to all email newsletter subscribers of We Lived Happily Ever After. Not a member yet? See my steps below to join.
All Printables are exclusive to my Newsletter Subscribers, and have a password protected link. Follow the steps below to access password for free downloads.
GET ALL THE FREEBIES IN THIS SERIES: (All these posts will be published within the FIRST WEEK OF THIS MONTH– so don’t freak out if you click one and it isn’t live yet)
Calendar | Art Print | Mobile & Desktop Device Backgrounds  | Art Greeting Card | Watercolor Coloring Sheet
Hermoso. Como siempre. Gracias por compartir.
Oh love, this is just beautiful! We hope you are having a lovely Fall as we Aussie’s head into Summer! Where I am based we don’t really get spring at all, such a shame. Yesterday we recorded 38C/11.4F, so as you can see, we are already in the heat of it. I truely love the work you do. Thank you for your generousness with sharing your gift. Blessings!
I meant to say 100.4 F……. 11.4F wouldn’t make much sense would it. 🙂