Hello friends! I have a quick blog post for ya tonight. My week has been so crazy… and I just need to try and make it until Friday. Then I can kick back and relax a bit. But so many of you were in love with the hand painted Christmas cards my kids made last week, so I decided to make a few quick printable coloring sheet templates. Now you and your littles can get in on the fun! So with all that said, here’s some printable DIY christmas card coloring sheets for your kids (or you!) to paint.
Disclaimer: There are affiliate links in this post. But I only reccomend products that I love, and think you will too.
I based these coloring sheet designs off of the pencil outlines I drew for my kids to paint in.
And of course, I made them sign their names at the bottom of each completed piece of artwork.
The template has two cards per page. You just need to fold it in half, and cut down the middle horizontal line to make two cards.
The lines I use on my coloring pages are very faint. That way they will blend in and be almost unnoticeable once painted. So the pages may look “blank” on the thumbnails, but trust me, the designs are there.
A couple of you have asked what paper I like to print my watercolor coloring sheets on. THIS is the paper I use. It has a slightly bumpy texture and is designed to hold up to paint.
This is such a fun way to make some christmas memories with your kids & it makes my heart happy that my blog is able to be a part of that Christmas magic.
All Printables are exclusive to my Newsletter Subscribers, and have a password protected link. Follow the steps below to access password for free downloads.
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