Hey Everyone! Recently I have had to constantly remind myself what a beautiful life God has given me. Sure it’s not always perfect, but it really is wonderful & it’s MY CHOICE to be content and see the joy in everything! I really do believe that a positive attitude can shift your circumstances, and just make life happier for everyone!
With all that said, here is a printable reminder to tell ourselves that it’s okay, God’s got it all under control, and “It is well with my soul.”
If you use it in your decor, please feel free to tag me using @welivedhappilyeverafter or #welivedhapilyeverafterblog on Instagram!
All Printables are exclusive to my Newsletter Subscribers, and have a password protected link. Follow the steps below to access password for free downloads.
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Adorable, I love this print. I hope you and your family are transitioning well with your new little one! I came across this link and it reminded me of your style and wanted to share it with you, so super cute.