Gold Leaf Digital Graphic Freebies

Hey guys! I’ve been staying up till 4 lately, because I just have SO MUCH fun stuff for the blog to work on! I really need a copy or two of myself. Haha! 
One of the big reasons things have been quite “post-wise” is because I just opened a Creative Market Shop! I’ve been working on those graphics for a while, and I am SO excited to see all that hard work finished! Pop over to check it out HERE & let me know what you think!

Thanks to all of you who encouraged me to sell my art. It gave me the confidence to actually take the plunge and do it! But in no way does that mean the freebies will stop around here! πŸ™‚
If you are having issues using this download link, please reference my FAQ post HERE to troubleshoot it.
To see how to use these PNG graphics in Picmonkey, see my tutorial HERE. To see how to change the color of the graphics in Picmonkey, see this post HERE.
If you use these graphics in your designs, please feel free to tag me using @welivedhappilyeverafter or #welivedhapilyeverafterblog on Instagram!

These graphics are Free for Personal Use. If you are planning on using them commercially, or for branding, please purchase my commercial licence HERE. Also, please read my terms of use in the download folder, and follow the directions there if you have any questions.  

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  1. Michelle says:

    Love them! Thanks for sharing

  2. Erin says:

    Just lovely (as always!)! Thanks for sharing – and congrats on the new shop!

  3. Marine says:

    Ouiiii super un shop ! thanks a lot !! Je suis fan de ton travail !! =)

  4. BlueOrchys says:

    Thank you so much for these awesome freebies ! xx – from France

  5. Kathryn J says:

    Thank you, I will enjoy playing with these. I checked out your shop and you have some lovely things there; I really love your watercolours … especially the floral pack, that is so pretty! Wishing you all the best with your new shop. πŸ™‚

  6. Andrea says:

    Thank you so much for your amazing printables! Love your work!

  7. jo says:

    How do I use these in PSE?

  8. doodle says:

    Thanks for your beautiful freebies and for sharing your ideas with us!

  9. 6ixties says:

    Thanks for your beautiful freebies and many greetings from The Netherlands!

  10. Martina says:

    I cant downloead them

  11. Hey. Ey love the gold graphics, but how can I get the freebie? My Emailadress is

  12. beautifull! thank you πŸ™‚
    shared on pinterest!
    have a beautifull day πŸ™‚
    Nathalie from France

  13. Kiki says:

    Hi Hannah, I recently discovered your beautiful graphics and am using one of your gold leaf freebies (the camera) in my blog header. Thank you so much for making these free as I am pretty much useless in that creative area…

  14. Hello Hannah! I am new to this blogging world and I am working on my blog right now. I want to use the deer in my blog header, and I am not sure if I am allowed to do that. If you could please let me know, that'd be awesome, because I LOVE the deer, it's the cutest. πŸ™‚

  15. Hannah, all your printables are AMAZING! I love them! Super inspiring!!!

  16. Thanks so much πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

  17. Lizzy Mel says:

    Where did you get your texture, it's the best!

  18. Cecilia Stok says:

    Oh wow, what a great graphics! Thank you for sharing them with us.
    Love from Holland, Cecilia

  19. Thank you for sharing. Greetings from Elisabeth

  20. Hello Hannah!

    I LOVE all your freebies and have been using them for personal designs. For some of the graphics that I've downloaded like the Gold Leaf clipart, I keep getting a message on my Adobe Illustrator that says, "QuickTime and a decompressor are needed to see this picture." Do you know how I could solve that problem?

    Thanks again for all your beautiful and creative clipart freebies! My husband and I love decorating our apartment with your creations!!

    • Hey! Not sure why your programs would be doing that- all the files are in PNG, so they should open fine in adobe programs. Are you opening the individual files, or are you opening them as a zipped folder? That's the only think I can think of.

      Hope that helps!

  21. Daniella P says:

    I love these btw and love all your photoshop tips πŸ™‚
    I was wondering if it's possible, can you do a gold leaf texture into a gradient of another colour inside an image already made or on text? I wanted it to be gold leaf into a red but have no clue how to merge the 2! Thanks for you help in advance πŸ™‚ x

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