Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

Hello Friends! There is never a dull moment in this house. There’s always some sort of home improvement project happening here. Whether it’s a wall coming down, baseboards being installed, or electric work being finished up. But I do feel like the end is in sight! With that said, I feel like I can finally style a couple rooms for a decor tour! Today I wanted to share our Dining Room and our Kitchen. I like how they are separate, and yet flow into each other. The theme I wanted to design around was a Cinderella Aqua/Turquoise Farmhouse feel.

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

This post includes affiliate links, but I only share things that I LOVE & think you will too.

My little girl loves everything princess, so I thought it would be sweet to do a subtle Cinderella twist on both these rooms.She even helped me deck it all out for Halloween/fall. One thing I am really trying to be intentional about is letting go and not being a control freak when my kids help.

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

I have to tell myself to take a breath, and that I have to let them learn the creative process on their own without too much “hoovering” (but a little bit of touch ups/adjustments afterwards is okay, am I right?)

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

From this view of the dining room you can see into the kitchen.

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

Darker, moody accents like amber soap bottles & wooden cooking utensils are a favorite design element of mine during the fall.

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

When I’m feeling super fancy I’ll set out some maple or oak leaves in a vase. It’s still a little early for them to be turning colors here, but I think that even the green ones give off fall vibes.

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

I’m obsessed with my farmhouse table! It really makes this whole space come alive. And I love how Silas and I built it. That makes it extra special.

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

This storage bench was originally used in our last house in our master, but it actually fits perfect here. And since the table is on the tall side, the kids can sit on it for an extra “boost.”

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

I love mixing old with new, but sometimes you have to take a step back and made sure you aren’t over doing it with you styling. Sometimes less is more.

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

This kitchen still has a ways to go, but I’m loving it in it’s current state of simplicity!

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

Now, I actually have a whole pumpkin patch of heirloom pumpkins growing in my garden, but while I’m waiting for them to ripen up I got out my fake ones. They are all from Michaels. But I actually added paint and wax on most of them to give them a little more realism. You can check out my post about that HERE.

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape


Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

If you want to learn how I made this DIY Watercolor Painting on a Plastic Pumpkin, check out my tutorial HERE.

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

Sometimes the subtle details are the best. Here you can see I snuck a couple pumpkins under my island in a large crate.

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape - Free Pumpkin Patch Truck Artwork Printable

This sweet Pumpkin Patch Truck is a Free Printable HERE on my blog.

Cinderella Blue Aqua Turquoise Fall Pumpkin Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

That’s all for now! Hope you have fun decorating for fall! I am for sure! I’m off to have a princess tea party in this space with June.


Making It In the Mountains | My Life From Home |

Little House of Four | We Lived Happily Ever After


 Postcards from the Ridge | Saw Nail and Paint |

Twelve On Main | Unskinny Boppy

WednesdayMy Creative Days | Worthing Court |

Little Home Reloved | Craving Some Creativity

ThursdayNorth Country Nest | The Honeycomb Home | Red Brick on the Lake |

Aratari At Home | A Blue Nest

FridayThe Frugal Homemaker | Joy In Our Home | County Road 407 | Sand Dollar Lane



Rusty Pumpkin Patch Truck Free Printable  |  How To Make Plastic Pumpkins Look Real

Watercolor Painted Plastic Pumpkin  |  Farmhouse Table Tutorial  |  Pallet Hutch

DIY Salvaged Decor Pediments  |  Bootcamp Love Letter Artwork 

SHOP THE LOOK OF THIS ROOM: (The Following Links Are Affiliate Links)




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  1. Oh my goodness! You’ve got such a dreamy kitchen and dining space! I love all of the pops of aqua and teal, they pair so perfectly with all of that beautiful neutral decor! And that’s quite the collection of Rae Dunn! Everything looks amazing!

  2. Beth Bryan says:

    This color scheme is GORGEOUS! Love it all!

  3. I love how bright and happy your home looks. It is beautiful for fall. I wouldn’t leave that table or kitchen. So pretty!

    • Hannah Hathaway says:

      Thank you friend! It’s such a happy space! I love just sitting in the dining room… and this kitchen makes doing dishes easy! Haha!

  4. Love your choice of colors for fall! The table centerpiece is stunning and so creative. Simply beautiful.

  5. This is so beautiful! I love all the green and turquoise for fall mixed with your white pumpkins. Gorgeous tablescape!

  6. Ooh it’s all so fresh and pretty. And I adore that pumpkin truck! Perfect for fall!

  7. Rachel says:

    Wow, wow, wow! I love non-traditional colors, but your home and styling is just spectacular!

  8. Kelly says:

    I love the turquoise you added to your fall decor! It’s such a fun and unexpected pop of color. Beautiful home, Hannah!

  9. Lindsay Aratari says:

    This is so dreamy!!! Love the minty greens and blues! Love hopping with you!

  10. Susan says:

    Oh wow, every detail is so pretty! Love the pops of turquoise with the white.

  11. Leen says:

    Hannah, I was oooh’ing and aaah’ing my way through your entire post. What a pretty space and I love that you let your little one help decorate 🙂

    Thanks for the truck printable too! It will look great (somewhere) in my home!

  12. Jordan says:

    The blue! I can’t get over how beautiful this is!

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