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Great for frames and invitations and very trendy. Thanks for posting useful stuff!
Also, for the crafty or DIY couples, they are great shapes to cut gift/favour tags, tags for invitations or place cards.
Those are some Awesome Ideas!
Thanks so much for sharing! These are great! (And I pinned them!)
I think your blog is great!! Thank you
wow, they 're so cute, thank you so much for sharing 🙂
I just stumbled across your blog, and I love it! Thank you so much for the free tutorials, making the shapes work in Photoshop was awesome! I have an idea for another tutorial, could you share where you get the awesome graphics that you use on your chalkboards and then how you actually get them to overlay? Do you do all this in Photoshop before uploading to your blog? THANK YOU!
That is a great idea. I'll put it on my to do list for tutorials! Thanks.
Yes, I do use photoshop to put all of my graphics together. Most of the overlays are my own, but sometimes I'll use something from a free graphic scrap booking download.
Hope that helps!
You inspire me to create my own. I love inspiration and you are all of that! Thanks!
Aww, Thanks! <3
How can you put text in the frame? I have a Mac.
If you're using photoshop it should be fairly easy, just create a new layer using the text tool. If you don't have photoshop, don't worry, I'm actually going to be putting up a tutorial that might help you with several ways to do it… So be on the lookout the next few days or so!
Does it work on Photoshop Elements?
I don't have Photoshop Elements, but if it allows you to work with layers, then definitely! 🙂
I'm having a problem loading the png files as custom shapes. It only seems to want csh files. Is there a way to load them as custom shapes?
What program are you using? Maybe try saving the shapes as the file type you need?
Love your tutorials. I am a newbie looking for a user friendly photo editing software that allows you to edit into shapes as in this blog post. Do you already have to have Photoshop to use the shape element?
You are so sweet!
You can use them in picmonkey for free- you don't have to have photoshop!
Check out this post I wrote about it:
I also wrote a post about makin printables in picmonkey which could help you too. You can find it in my "graphics" section.
Have fun & I hope that helps! <3
your version is very good. this photoshops very fine.
I love your blog! It is so fun and unique! I just started my first blog I am still figuring it out but it is coming together! This really helped me with my first blog post that I posted yesterday!
it is
Thanks Breanna! I'm so excited for you as you start your blog! Thanks for your sweet comment! XO
Hi Hannah, I love your blog and am new to blogging myself! Can you tell me how to make a photo the size of your graphic (like you did with your adorable baby daughter pic)????? Thanks!