Use a Low Temperature Hot Glue Gun to Make Snowflakes for your Windows!

TO SEE MY UPDATED PROCESS (which is SO much easier) go HERE!!!
I have the most adorable Winter Craft to share with you all today! The inspiration came to me when I was looking through Pinterest yesterday. I saw crafts involving snowflakes… and then I saw crafts using glue guns! And then it hit me! I can use a Hot Glue Gun to Make Snowflakes on my Windows! It’s clear, pretty, and peels easily off of glass! I was like wow, I wonder if anyone has ever done this? It’s such a “duh” idea! πŸ™‚

It was so easy! Make sure your windows aren’t super cold when you do this as some people have said that they’ve seen hot glue guns crack cold glass. I did it on a warm day & the glass was comfortably room temperature. Also, use a low temp glue gun to prevent burns.
If you really don’t want to glue it directly onto your window, you can always do it on another glass like surface & add cooking spray for easy removal (think parchment paper, counters, greased picture frame glass, teflon sheets, etc) and peel it off then adhere it to the window.  
If you don’t want to do it free hand, you can always tape a sketch of what you want your snowflakes to look like on the other side of the glass. See, so easy! 
The look so gorgeous! Best part is, they cost nothing but look like the real thing!
If you make them thick enough, they peel off really easy. Just make sure they are cooled completely before you peel them off. If there are any remnants, just scrub with a green-pad & some soap and water and it should come off with no problem.
This would be a great craft to do with your kids! So much prettier than those stick-on ones!

Add some glitter before it dries, or use colored glue sticks from the craft store! The possibilities are endless! πŸ™‚

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  1. Rae says:

    Just love this idea!

  2. Lacy says:

    Be careful. Hot glue on a cold window will cause the glass to break. I've seen it happen.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I just love this so much!

  4. L.E. Fiore says:

    Really pretty & neat idea!

  5. found out this beautiful blog <3 really a nice idea
    thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

  6. jenclair says:

    Beautiful! Clever you!

  7. Nicole says:

    you can also make them on a piece of glass (like a picture frame) and add a little glitter then move it to the window when cooled…

  8. cathy raines says:

    neat!neat!neat! doing this for mom she will love this!! ty,Cathy πŸ™‚

  9. Anonymous says:

    This is brilliant! Loved it <3

  10. Anonymous says:

    I am a food service manager at a school and I think I might do this in my pass thru windows. Will be cute. Thanks for the idea. I like new things each year.

  11. titancia says:

    I love this idea! It's so hard to find decent window clings!

  12. Anonymous says:

    You can also "make" the snowflakes on the kitchen counter (no fear of windows breaking) and just stick them to the windows. Watch craft stores for colored glue sticks too, the ideas are endless!! Happy Crafting!

  13. Antonella says:

    What a wonderful idea! Beautiful!

  14. Anna M. says:

    Maybe if you do it on clear plastic or something you'd get to keep them and save them for next year.

  15. Carmen says:

    Very cool idea! I've linked up to your blog through my FB page and while looking for a way to follow, I noticed that I should have contacted you first! I'm so sorry, please let me know if you'd like me to remove it. (the snowflakes and the free font post). Is there a way to follow through Google?

    • No, that's not a problem at all! Share all you want! It's more in relation to people who may want to use my posts and tutorials on their blog. Thanks for asking though! πŸ™‚

      Right now I don't use Google Plus, but if you scroll all the way up, on the upper right there are all my social media buttons which will lead you to my Pinterest, Facebook, Email Subscription and Twitter. That's all I can handle running right now. πŸ™‚


      <3 Hannah

  16. Lisa says:

    Can't wait till next Xmas to try this! What a clever idea – thanks so much for sharing. Lisa

  17. gaby says:

    muchas felicidades por idea de Hannah Hathaway desde mexico city

  18. Anonymous says:

    I have made snowflakes with glue, but I am trying to remember what I made it on, like maybe parchment paper and then stick them on the window. I am going to have to try this. Could tape the snowflake from whatever image you have on the outside of he window and then do the inside with the hot glue gun (cool temp glue).

  19. Julie says:

    Could probably do a spiderweb for Halloween, too! πŸ™‚

  20. I made them today with my 6 year old – super cute. How do I get them to stick to the window? (We made them on the counter first).

    • Hannah says:

      I would just add a tiny bit if hot glue to each corner and adhere it to the window that way. And you will have very little clean up! πŸ™‚

  21. What a lovely idea! I think we will be giving this one a try! πŸ™‚ Lisa

  22. Sunflower Sue says:

    Going to try this with glow in the dark glue sticks!

  23. Anonymous says:

    Maybe add some sparkles? Would look beautiful with the sun shining through

  24. I just made some with my toddler son on this snow day. It was fun. In addition to snowflakes, we made a snowman too. Thanks for the idea

  25. Anonymous says:

    maybe hang them on clear fishing line?

  26. Jay says:

    Thank you for this lovely idea. One can also use this technique to create stencils. Super fun !

  27. Anonymous says:

    I thought it was a great idea, too. Did this week after Thanksgiving. Tried to remove day after new year. Still trying. It is not cold here. Any ideas?

    • Hannah says:

      If they are being stubborn, then I suggest using a razor blade or one of those scrapers you use on glass top ovens.

      I've found that the thicker ones peel off better, but this last year we made them on parchment paper and when they were dry, we added a small bit of glue to stick them to the windows.

    • Venance says:

      Yeah, mine aren't coming off either. Now there are tiny chunks of glue residue on the window. Cool. Is it cos I used hi temp?

    • Oh no, that's not fun! Sometimes it has to do with how cold it is outside… When I do mine this year, I'm going to be doing them on wax paper before hand so that I don't have to deal with potentially stubborn glue on glass! XO

  28. It's never too early for Christmassy, glittery stuff! I love it so much!

  29. Fadas de Luz says:

    Adorei sua idΓ©ia. Muito criativa.

  30. Anonymous says:

    I am going to do something similar for Halloween, only spider webs instead of snowflakes, Guess I will be doing both!!!

  31. Lindsay says:

    Love this idea. Will have to try it. B)


  32. Anonymous says:

    This is the coolest idea ever. I'm going to go buy some glow in the dark glue sticks and some with glitter and just go for it with my three teenage sons.

  33. This idea is wonderful! I did it inside a glass,white picture frame,glued fake snow on the corners and I put this on my hall stand and everyone is like "wow!how did you do that!"So thanks for the great idea!!

  34. applemini says:

    beautiful idea! I love it! thank you very much.

  35. Anonymous says:

    I tried this today, and not wanting to risk cracking my window panes in my door – I did them on a piece of glass. First, getting them off of there was a nightmare. Then I found that they will NOT re-stick like a window cling when I tried to put them on the glass. This was the biggest waste of time ever. So disappointed because I wanted this to work.

    • Sorry it didn't work for you – It's best to put something on the glass first (pam, etc) or just do it on parchment paper. I am doing an "Updated" version of this post in a few days which shows how to do them in more detail… and they peel off like butter! Hope that helps! XO

  36. Anonymous says:

    Looking in the comments to see how it worked for others? I'll give you my story. It worked PERFECTLY. Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little. So I used the back of a casserole dish and sprayed it with cooking spray, like the article said, then began to glue. The idea really does work perfectly, but I have to say – it didn't work for me. And I assume 100% of the blame goes to my glue gun because it's a tad bit old and one of those smaller, cheaper ones. Anyways, it was just a little messy and didn't look that pretty so I decided not to do it anymore half way through. I still HIGHLY recommend trying the craft out yourself because it is bound to work with others who are more advanced and skilled in homemade crafts and have a better glue gun. Excellent post! I'll definitely try this in the future, when I get a better glue gun.

  37. Very cool Idea!! It is warm here, but will give this a try…who knows…it may seem lots cooler with ice on the windows! Thanks for sharing your step by step tutorial and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  38. Hi Hanna, i think your blog is very tremendous! Thankyou for sharing the free fonts and especially such an adorable tutorial about digital watercoloring using photoshop. Love all your ideas and the simplicity behind it πŸ™‚ and oh, sorry in advance for reposting your web on my facebook without ask your permission first. Wishing you a very happy Christmas for you and your family!

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