How to Download all of those Fun Free Fonts!

One of the biggest topics I get comments and emails about is how to download fonts.
So I thought I would make things as easy as possible for all of you “visual learners” like me and do a quick tutorial to show you the whole process on how to install fonts.
So here we go!

Hope that helps clears up any questions you may have about the process!
Have fun with your new fonts!

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  1. Anonymous says:

    mine doesn't show "install." only "done." 🙁

  2. Jenny says:

    Thank you for this!! I always thought I wasn't smart enough to download cool fonts. I just downloaded the Book font…the rest to follow! So easy. Thank you!! Also, love your blog!

  3. Kasia says:

    Stumbled upon this through Pinterest. Great tips!! Downloaded a ton of fonts from your other links as well, can't believe how easy it was. Thanks again!

  4. I also don't show the install button, only Print. 🙁

    • Okie Fields says:

      Mine does the same thing, and I can't figure it out… 🙁

    • Okie Fields says:

      Dana, mine does the same thing…and I can't figure it out. :'(

    • Hannah says:

      What type of computer do you have? Mac is different than windows… so it may be that you have to download a different type of font file?

    • Anonymous says:

      Mine didn't show "install" either. I'm using a PC, once you save and open and the file, at the top there's a button that says "extract all files", click that and it will ask where you want to save it. It will open again, right click and choose "install". It should work and be available in Microsoft Word after that. Hope this helps : )

    • C130sWIFE says:

      It Worked! Thanks Anon for explaining the download for PCs. Great blog, btw…from one milspouse to another 🙂

  5. Anonymous says:

    thank you for TRULY FREE as these do not require some stupid tool bar be installed on your computer that is unnecessary and tracks your web useage! AGAIN THANK YOU!! 🙂

    • Hannah says:

      No Problem! I know, I learned the hard way not to ever download a font that required some action. I make sure to always share completely free fonts. <3

  6. mindymilburn says:

    Found this through Pinterest and maybe I am crazy but your download link just keeps bringing me back to the page to show me how to download and install. I don't need tips on that I just need to know where the actual download button is. It is probably a "had it been a snake.." moment but I seriously don't see it.

    • Hannah says:

      The "download" link you keep pressing is a link to a tutorial (this one actually) on how to download fonts. The actual download links are the text links beneath each picture. Hope that helps.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for a wonderful website – it shows all of your grace. Live long, Lisa in TN.

  8. Anonymous says:

    i downloaded the font successfully but now im just trying to use it in my word document. I am able to choose the font but when i got to type with it nothing shows up!

    • Hannah says:

      It may be because your font size is too small, or you may have the color set as white? Or it could be an "uppercase only" font… Those are the only things I can think of. Hope it helps! XOXO

  9. Gianna Kouti says:

    I can't find some of the downloaded fonts in the picmonkey ("yours" button). Why is that?

  10. So helpful! Thanks and love the fonts!

  11. Marco Moran says:

    ok muchas Gracias… me parecen excelentes! felicitaciones

  12. Marco Moran says:

    están excelentes… felicitaciones y muchas gracias

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