Fun Things to Come!!!

I’m 39+3 weeks pregnant today, with baby number 2! You bet I am spending most my time googling “how to induce labor!” Haha!

I’ve had several “boy moms” tell me how hard it is to decorate (and buy clothes) for boys, because the commercial market focuses on girls. I totally agree! While I had the time of my life putting June’s room together (see it HERE) I wanted to think outside the box of “baby blue” and “cars and airplanes” now that we are expecting a baby boy. Not that there is anything wrong with those styles, but I think they are way overdone; and I wanted something more interesting & unique for my little boy.

With all that said, I have’n been sharing as many DIY’s with you all lately, mainly because they are all from the “top secret” nursery project I have been working on for the past couple months. Now that it’s pretty much done, I thought you all deserve a behind the scenes sneak peak before the big reveal!

I am SUPER excited because I actually finished everything I wanted to do/dreamed up for the nursery, like this rocking horse rhino I made. It was one of those things that I REALLLY wanted to do, but didn’t know if I could pull actually off. I postponed it for months, and last week I was like, “I’m going to give it a shot!” It was the hardest stuffed animal I’ve made to date, but I think it’s my new favorite! Now to trim the baseboards to make it actually rock… Haha!

This nursery/little boy’s room is full of super fun DIY’s & I have to say it’s totally my favorite space EVER! Don’t worry, while all these sneak peaks are seriously awesome, I am still holding out on some of the most unique parts of the room. So this post is not a total spoiler. 😉

June kind of stole this sweater polar bear for herself. Haha! And yes, her boots are on the wrong feet. That’s what you get when you let your three year old dress herself! 😉

I wanted to incorporate my own art into his room, so I made this super cute “Oh Boy” Print (HERE) for his room using my free “Brushy Font” (HERE)

Some of you may have already seen my post about this cute Dino I made for Mollie Makes. He was the first project I made for the room.

I’ve also shared a photo of the above Pallet Marquee Letter photo on Instagram and Facebook.The reveal and all the DIY Tutorials are soon to follow!

I posted the above prints on social media, when I was considering using them as a gallery wall. It kind of gives you the “industrial” “WWI” theme that I am going for in this space. Since Silas is in the Marines, I wanted to incorporate some USMC memorabilia, thus the poster subjects. My favorite is the Uncle Sam Poster, saying “I want you- to go to sleep!”

I can’t wait to photograph the whole finished space! We are still working on two parts of the room… the dresser (which is being painted) and baby boy (who is apparently making himself comfortable!) But as soon as those two priorities are done, I will share the space asap!

Hope you are having a wonderful day!

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  1. omg I LOVE that pallet Marquee letter, went on FB to see f I can find more info but only saw the pic. Did you make it ???? More info pretty please!!!!! xoxoxo Christine frorm Little Brags

  2. Oh Hannah I love so much your imagination and ability :)) looking forward to see the full room ♥

  3. Ellie Fleet says:

    Great art and diy's! The room looks so cute! 🙂 Your imagination and ability to create things like this is amazing!
    lovely post.
    Elephant stories and more

  4. Really nice diy's. Your daughter is looking as so sweet. You have done such an amazing & creative things. I love to design rooms (I am an Interior designer) just like you did here. Glad to be here!
    Clipping Path Service

  5. WOW !! This is really wonderful and very pretty. It's quite nice and I'm waiting for you future blog.

  6. All the photos you have uploaded here are really very cute. And many many wishes for your upcoming baby. Praying for his/her (still not confirmed who is coming daughter or son 😛 ) bright future 🙂

    Happy wishes From:
    All the stuffs of Clipping Path Service Family

  7. Wow! It is really amusing and wonderful tutorial.keep sharing your valuable post.

  8. Really lovely photos and wonderful things here . thank for sharing with us .

  9. Liza hayder says:

    Really all things are really excellent and funny . Like these all .

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