Free Antler Graphics

Hello Everyone!

It’s been just over a year since I started sharing digital graphic freebies with you all. Remember my first freebie post HERE? It’s probably my most popular post up to date. I honestly think it’s because of that adorable stag I have on there. I figured it is about time for another deer graphic post, so here it is! You may have noticed that I have fallen for the antler decor craze. I don’t know what it is about those majestic antlers that make hearts pitter patter, but I LOVE them! Anyhow, for all of you fellow antler loving people, here are some fun graphics for you to use this Christmas! Use them in your digital design, on your Christmas cards & place cards, or print on a canvas for instant art! These particular graphics look great layered on top of backgrounds, like chalkboard, because they have transparent fillings.

This Download is totally free to all email newsletter subscribers of We Lived Happily Ever After. Not a member yet? See my steps below to join.



All Printables are exclusive to my Newsletter Subscribers, and have a password protected link. Follow the steps below to access password for free downloads.


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  1. HeartxGirl says:

    Your free graphics are always so beautiful, thank you for sharing 🙂 xx

    Ioanna |

  2. Fotinia says:

    wohooo thanks!!!! it's stunning!

  3. BlueOrchys says:

    Thank you so much for these amazing graphics ! xx from France

  4. Carol Dekle says:

    Thank you soooo much!!!!! I am working on a holiday flyer for a jewelry blog where I contribute. Your graphics really helped me to create the design I was going for. It's will go up after thanksgiving here if you would like to see what I did! I'm am amateur graphics designer at best:) Thanks again, your work is amazing!

  5. Thank you..I love your graphics!

  6. Kristen Slay says:

    Thanks for sharing your amazing graphics and fonts with us! I can't wait to use them in Silhouette Studio!

  7. Kristen Slay says:

    Thank you! Love your posts!

  8. Thank you, Hannah, for being so generous! I, too, have fallen for the antler craze…. and the wreath craze, and the laurel craze, and the brush lettering craze. 😉 The list goes on. There's so much inspiration out there! Your work is beautiful and definitely inspiring.

  9. carolyn says:

    Thank you, Hannah!

  10. morgan says:

    Adorable! Is this for personal use only? or can it be used commercially?

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