4 Free Wreath Graphics

I’ve been having so much fun working on digital graphics lately. It’s helped me keep busy while my husband is gone.

I am a huge advocate for quality over quantity, which is why my main focus is making something both beautiful & useful. I can’t wait to put up some of my creations using my graphics in the new house, but in the meanwhile, if you have made something with them, I would love to see! So send me an email!

I have a fun announcement regarding my digital graphics… but I’m going to keep it a secret for a few more days… *shhhh*… keep an eye out!

They are Free for Personal Use, as always! If you are planning on using them commercially, or for branding, please purchase my commercial licence HERE. Also, please read my terms of use in the download folder, and follow the directions there if you have any questions.

This Download is totally free to all email newsletter subscribers of We Lived Happily Ever After. Not a member yet? See my steps below to join.


All Printables are exclusive to my Newsletter Subscribers, and have a password protected link. Follow the steps below to access password for free downloads.

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  1. Subscribe to Email List.
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  3. Press “Confirm Subscription” & you will receive my Welcome Email with the Master Password.
  4. Copy the Master Password.
  5. Press the “Download Here” button on each post you want to access the goodies.
  6. You will be directed to Drop Box. Enter the Master Password & start downloading.

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  1. These are so fab, thanks for sharing!

  2. They look great Hannah! 🙂

  3. You are Awesome! Thank you for sharing 🙂

  4. Hannah says:

    No problem Joni, so glad you like them! 🙂

  5. These are gorgeous! Thank you!

  6. Emily E says:

    You are so talented! LOVE all you work! Can you tell me how to change the color in photoshop? I can't seem to figure it out. Thanks!

    • Hannah says:

      You can either use the magic wand selection tool & the paint in the color onto the graphic, or you can go IMAGE->ADJUST->and choose COLOR BALANCE or HUE/SATURATION hope that helps! 🙂

  7. Emily E says:

    Fantastic, thanks!!!

  8. HarleyMae says:

    These are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing!

  9. Doxie C says:

    These are absolutely beautiful!! I wish I could draw but that's not a gift that I have!

    Have you made your big announcement yet? I've been quite sick and haven't been able to read my favorite blogs, so I'm WAY behind!! I think it's impossible to catch up at this point!! I was just curious and thought I would ask.

    Thanks again for sharing your lovely work with us.

    • Hannah says:

      Thank you Donna! Yes, I have! I've been designing logos for clients for a while, and finally opened up a shop on Etsy! 🙂

      So sorry to hear that you have been sick- hope you are better! Xoxo

      <3 Hannah

  10. i can't download them, they are gorgeous!
    please help 🙂

    • Hannah says:

      If you can give me more specifics about where you got stuck, then maybe I can help. If it isn't working, I can email them to you. 🙂

  11. These wreaths are breathtaking, Hannah! Definitely quality. Thank you so much for sharing them with us!

  12. Paz says:

    I agree!! Quality over quantity! These are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing them!
    Paz (from Buenos Aires, Argentina)

  13. Anonymous says:

    Hello Hanna ! I need help everytime i want to use these wreaths in picmonkey appears a white rectangle backgorund is there any way to avoid this and make it transparent

  14. Sara Marie says:

    Hi! There is no way to download these? I don't see a download button like on your other posts?

  15. Marine says:

    C'est super beau merci ! et bravo !

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